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Request for Volunteers

The Technical, Financial, and Personnel committees are the backbone of the Green Valley Water District. Those who volunteer for the committees fill an important role in determining how the District moves forward.  Each committee meets once per month and work with the District Manager in review of current and future operations.  There is not the need to have a formal understanding of a domestic water utility.  What is more important is the value of your expertise and common sense.

The Green Valley Water District was formed so that the customers have a say in the operation and rates charged.  The continued support of volunteers allows the District to maintain their independence in guiding their destiny.

Volunteering is easy.  Call or email the Clerk of the Board to set up an appointment.                                                                                                                                          Phone: (520) 625-9112    Email: clerk@gvwaterdistrict.com.

Our meetings are open to the public. You are always welcome to attend any meeting to see our Committees in action. The meeting schedule is posted on the District website www.gvwaterdistrict.com along with the Public Notice Board at the District Headquarters entrance.