Welcome to the Green Valley Domestic Water Improvement District’s Public Meeting Agendas & Minutes page. Here you will find the Notices/Agendas and Minutes for Board of Director meetings, Public Hearings, and all Committee meetings for the current calendar year. If you are unable to locate a specific document, please try the Archived Documents page in the Reports tab.
All public meeting Notices/Agendas are posted 24 hours in advance; both on our website and the Public Meetings & Notices Board at the entrance to District Headquarters.
You are always welcome to attend our Board and/or Committee meetings either in person at our Headquarters at 3200 S Camino Del Sol, or remotely via Zoom Video Conference.
To access a meeting remotely, please email the Clerk of the Board at Clerk@gvwaterdistrict.com and request the meeting link. Submit your email request a minimum of one (1) business day in advance.